2 people you may want to tell about your divorce

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2021 | Divorce |

Generally, divorce is something that you just talk about with your family and close friends, especially as it is happening. Some people even advise keeping it off of social media so that you do not stay something that compromises your position or your case. It’s a personal issue and you probably do not feel like bringing it up with anyone that you’re not especially close to.

That said, there are two people you may want to tell about that divorce if you have children. You always want to put your kids first and think about their needs, and their very existence can expand the web of people who need to know that your marriage is ending.

Your child’s teacher

First off, it can help to talk to your child’s teacher for a few reasons. For one thing, the teacher may be a source of support for your child, so telling them what is going on can help. Additionally, a child who is going through a divorce may struggle in the classroom, begin acting out or even miss school on certain days. Studies have found that kids in this situation can struggle both behaviorally and academically. If your child’s teacher at least knows why this is happening, it enables them to do everything in their own power to help.

Your child’s doctor

You may also want to talk to your child’s doctor so that they are aware of what is going on. In the worst cases, you may worry that your ex will be abusive and you want the doctor to help you look for red flags and warning signs. That may be rare, but it’s important. Even in daily life, though, your child may visit the doctor for all sorts of illnesses and injuries. Who gets to make medical decisions or even take the child to the doctor depends on the parenting plan passed down in court, and on the legal custody rights handed out during the case. It may help the doctor to know who can make those decisions.

Your legal standing during a divorce

The legal side of a divorce can get complicated, but it’s very important to know all of your legal rights and where you stand as you move through this.


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